Thailand has extremely low number of infections and deaths since the beginning of the epidemic. Currently the businesses are re-opening step-by-step but the actual dates of tourists being able to return is still a bit unclear. Information is constantly changing and lots of confusing data is all over internet.
At Raya, we are following the situation and as soon as we know something 100% sure we will publish it in our website and social media channels.
Originally Thailand's draft plan included three phases of reopening:
Phase One: Business travelers, investors, skilled workers, people with Thai family members, teachers, etc.
Phase Two: Medical tourism travelers
Phase Three: General tourists
It is still dependent on the outbreak situation, but I think at the earliest, we may see the return of tourists could be the fourth quarter of this year.
by Yuthasak Supasorn, governor of the Tourism Authority of ThailandDeaths per 1 million population (source; Worldometers) 15 JUNE 2020