News blog

Krabin tehokolmikko
1. Who / where / what? Adelia: My name is Adelia and I work mainly at Krabi office, sometimes also as a snorkeling guide. Iris: I'm Iris, diving instructor at Krabi. Saara: I'm Saara, a snorkeling guide at Krabi and helping out in the office. 2. Where...
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Whale Shark
Whale Shark is definately one of the highlights to encounter underwater. It’s a bit of luck, or bad luck, weather you will be lucky enough to be face to face with the largest fish on earth. We have gathered here...
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Jenni Ahola at Raya Yai
I’ve been diving about 15 years: First before the kids and then again after a 10 year break for the last 3 years. In the early days after becoming a diver I did a few liveaboards at Red Sea. I...
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